Saturday, April 17, 2010

Maoists, Anti-Statism and Indian State

Do we need Government? Why do we need Government?
If the answer is NO, that is a society can exist without ANY kind of Governance, then it would have been OK for me to get on with my life without paying any heed to the Maoists and their ideology.

But the facts of reality point otherwise. Government in any geographical area is an inescapable part of social life. That is, if an individual is not a cast away in desert island. Three fold functions being - protection from foreign attack, inland policing, resolution of civil disputes. If it were not so, each individual would have to fortress his house and initiate a gang-war in case of any threat(apparent or actual).

So the question comes down to, what kind of government. And currently we have 2 options, Indian state or Maoists. So what does each bring to the table, IDEOLOGICALLY - for ideology drives the action.

Whatever be the failings in its part, Indian state has a constitution which defines certain rights protecting individual's life, liberty and pursuit of his goals(albeit only to a certain extent). And there are mechanisms defined to enforce these rights. The principles have worked in certain parts of the country, and there is no reason to believe why it wont succeed in other parts(including Maoists infected areas), if value oriented administration can be instituted. And Liberalization bears testimony that it is possible to reform the system bloodlessly. Though I don't see the most challenging part - Judicial, Executive and police reforms in near or medium term future. But then, its the university rooms of humanities departments and NOT militant camps in jungles where such battles ought to be fought.

Alternative, New Delhi sees a China like communist coup, and we have our own variant of Mao. Given their ideology, what are the actions we can accept from such a dictator. American revolution had American Declaration of Independence based on the principle of Individual rights, Indian Freedom struggle had principle of swaraj. No such positive code of action in case of Maoists. They have no empathy even for their comrades in CPI(M) or Trinamool. The only glue that binds them is the intense hatred for the state in ANY form.
So lets project a scenario where they occupy Delhi. If their current actions are any indication, slaughter of anybody and everybody, PRESUMED to be linked(howsoever loosely) to state.
(For Mao enemy was anything and anybody connected to Chinese religion and culture. For Khymer Rouge in Cambodia, anybody and everybody educated). Here, they start from police and defense services, and go down to Bureaucrats. Of course, given their roots, Industry is their next scapegoat. So have no illusion, intention is to take India down to the level of tribals they claim to fight for.

No expert in military strategy, but here are the few tips. Robotics is not as big a challenge as in previous century. Do invest best minds in stripped down versions of Drones or any non-human tracking devices like satellites. In short term, do audit the air requirements, and reallocate some based on threat assessment. If explicit usage is too risky, at least surveillance to prevent another Dantewada.

A word on the lobby of intellectuals, who see development as a solution. History bears testimony, a sufficient period of peace is necessary for any investment to begin. And Afghanistan a negative barometer to problems of jumping into the latter, without wiping out the menace of former. Therefore I disagree that development can go on side by side with the operation of such a scale. All it does is distract the already lacking security apparatus.

Liberty from force by other men, is a necessary precondition, though not sufficient cause for an individual to excel. And government with a positive legal code, necessary to protect Liberty. Therefore, from intellectuals to media to politicians to administrators to foot soldiers, ought to fight Maoists in our respective battleground.
The current post is my retaliatory ambush...!


RohinRoarkedForGood said...

Yogesh Singh
Yes Rohin I read your article long back when u posted it and again I have done. Yes I agree with most of your points I think somehow due to one reason i.e.Your Ideology somehow is influenced from Objectivism as mine too.Well If we judge Present Indian state on Objective principles we will find that niether government nor Naxlites can bring about ... See Moreany neccessary and required changes among masses in the form of development or whatsover you call it.
99 perecent naxalites are Aadivasis who were the victims of the policies of Indian government.This is the problem caused by Indian governmnet itself only.Those aadivaais were forced to be and go in the shelter of forests and hold guns in thier hands.These are most deprieved and poorest people of this country living in hardest circumstances but the Irony is that they did not accept this way of living by choice they were suppressed ,oppressed and victimised so they became obliged to escape in the jungle and they saw Naxalism or Moaism as thier only alternative and Saviour.I am not talking of Mr.Majoomadaar and Mr.Sanyal and such people started Moaist Or naxalite movements nor I am talking of the Origin of Maoism in India.They did it in 70s but Aadivaasis became Naxalites very later .So those Maoists became more powerfull later too.
Actually the real causing factors which made aadivaasis Naxalites is not known by majority of people in India because real information are anti-sataes and reveal the brutality committed by police forces.
well you ,me and any person who is living a comfortable life would unlikely join Moists officially untill and unless he has any Ideological support for them.Well Aadivaasis were the illterate people and most of them I think still do not know that what is Maoism and what was marxim but they know only one thing to take revenge of thier womens,thier fathers,thier relatives who were humiliated,raped and atlast killed only because they were protecting thier own land,thier own rights.That land contains some mines and govet wants them to vacate that place but they refused.So the oppression took place thier and they found themselves forced to flee in the jungles....

RohinRoarkedForGood said...

So I think the causes which made aadivaasis Naxalites ,which made aadivasis to go in the shelter of Maoists is realy condemnable.And in a democarcy every body has right to dissent and to disagree.The way naxalites are responding is also not acceptable only single ground that is VIOLANCE IS NEVER JUSTIFICABLE. but what is the other way out...ther is no answer because the way adopted by Indian government is also niether fair nor peaceful.......

Yes I also do not support MAOISM but here this is not big question ..the big question is the Real Happenings in the jungles and thier Causes and its solution.Govt ..has very great base for fighting that Issue by making that issue a national threat and a threat for democracy.I think this is never a such Issue...this issue was made formidable and pernicious only by Indian ruling class.

Rohin Gupta
Manifesto of Indian Maoists says, "dismantling Indian Parliamentary system" as their primary goal. So if these guys(and their intellectual friends in university Campuses) are honest in their claims to fight for tribal cause, why don't they describe the alternate system they intend to put after dismantling.
Well, they won't. Because arbitrary power through the barrel of gun, by pushing the area into the state of anarchy; thats their real goal!!

Above comment is from Facebook discussion I had on topic

RohinRoarkedForGood said...

Previous Facebook discussion continues

Yogesh Singh
Thanx Rohin,well btw you raised very cogent question.What I think thier main purpose is to dismantle this parliamentry system and to bulid new system based on Marxist ideology same as what happened in Russia and china.They say they will India a communist country.For Justifying and supporting thier beliefs they give the some certain reasons which are following..
1.They say the poverty and the right of poors are ignored and unnoticed yet.
2.They are against neo-liberalisation policy becasue they think it supports the capitalist class and undermines the poors.
3.They say they are working for the oppressed and exploited rights of labours.
4.and very new Issue is Naxalism Which is created by Indian government itself..
and some other reasons are there which are based on the loopholes of Indian governing system.

So what do u think abt the functioning of the present sysetem"s suitability according to the real Indian circumstances?

I think It is certainely better than communist and socialist sysetem...but niether It should have been nor ideal because it has been consistently malfunctioning since its establishment dueto a lot many well known reasons...

RohinRoarkedForGood said...

Rohin Gupta
Well, if it was 19th century, one could accept an idea communist state as an error in understanding.

But 20th Century showed us the horrors of communism/socialism so vividly in
the form of East and West Germany, India-China pre and post Liberalization, north and south Korea.... The fact that communism managed to survive still baffles me...!!

And on the question of rights. In a lassie-faire capitalist system(unlike
mixed economy now), there is no dichotomy between rights of rich/poor or
middle class. Each person is free to rise to the extent he or she expends thought and effort.... People like Steve Jobs and companies like google bear testimony to the power of such system....
Checkout the following link to understand the nature of government in such a system And its very much possible in India... but intellectuals(or new
intellectuals) need to take the lead.
Reformation of humanities depts. in universities under the stranglehold of Communist professors need to freed first. And this is the foremost pre-condition to any political reforms...!!

But to embrace evil in order to rectify a systematic mistake is totally and completely unacceptable.

RohinRoarkedForGood said...

Wall post
Yogesh Singh In Dantewada there are 644 villages that have been emptied. From 2005 there are 3.5 lakh people that have gone missing....But No one talks about this!!!!

Rohin Gupta
Well I assume you got the information from authentic sources or yourself went to area. Kindly clarify..

Yogesh Singh commented on his status:
"Yes sure!!I got it from the speech of Himanshu Kumar a human right activist who have been working in dantewada since last 17 years...and same thing was told by Arundhati Roy in an Interview over a well known Indian News channel..."

Well, I don't think rhetoric counts as evidence. Even Soviet Russia fabricated documentaries to back up its propaganda machine...
Plus, after series of IPCC fiascoes on climate change... I don't give even an iota of trust to the new left...

RohinRoarkedForGood said...

Last para in previous comment is by "Rohin Gupta"

RohinRoarkedForGood said...

Harshit Pande
Mr. Rohin, in that case you do all the social research yourself, Go to every village and aks them about their conditions. you will not trust them also. that is also propaganda.... one can call everything a propaganda and wash his hands off

Rohin Gupta ‎
3.5 lacs people just don't vanish into thin air?
The appx. population of a town...

Show me the mass graves or the ash remains or the equivalent. Plus the causal connection with security apparatus.

Harshit Pande
i am sorry i cant show you mass graves and ash remains. we dont need that to prove the injustice done on them by the state. And more than that we dont need to prove to anyone