Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Parallels between Kashmir Protests and Iran Revolution

I see clear parallels between mode of operations of Kashmiri protesters, and Iranian revolution that ultimately pushed Iran from pro-western regime to Theocracy.

Here too, the protests start at some apparent cause(like death of Khomeni's son), turn violent, lead to more deaths. And then there are spiraling protests to protest deaths in these protests.

Real reason, and the one never openly acknowledged, is clergy's discomfort with increasing Westernization....!

1 comment:

RohinRoarkedForGood said...

Solution of course is NOT political BUT Intellectual.
What we need are honest intellectuals(journalists, writers, professors of Humanities), courageous enough to call

spade a spade, and tell world the true nature of protestors.

However, all we have is the following :-

- Secessionist New Left lead by Ms. Arundhati Roy, calling for armed "liberation" from Lalgarh to Lal Chowk.
- Passionate but ideologically bankrupt right. With nothing but empty nationalist slogans.
- ....And appeasement driven center, refusing take any stand. Trying hard to be everything to everybody by conveying nothing.