Thursday, January 1, 2009


Its been described as attraction purely spiritual in nature. Cut off from bodily pleasures you may derive from consolidation of values we call Lover.
To aspire for Love thats beyond you. Beyond not just your current context, but beyond your potentialities,capabilities, abilities. Looking upto the unearned, to put more bluntly.
Always in the realm of longing, never to be achieved.

Before we delve into the details of Platonic Love in culture, lets look into the core of Plato's Philosophy.
Motivated by his Master Socrates, Plato began seeking answers into questions regarding nature of reality, concepts, and their response in man. Traveling across continents for 12 years, he came up with a Philosophical system.
Essentially, it was a monument comprising of what all religions preach.

"This world is but a pale shadow of an other, supernatural world.
The imperfect replication of those things is what we observe.
But in order to understand the nature of observable things, man somehow needs to communicate with the other world.
E.g. there can be several things with attribute of circle(rings,rolls, wheels etc. ).
But in order to know what circle as such is, he has to connect to that world."

There has always been a duel between Plato`s 'other worldly' and Aristotle's Philosophy emphasizing Life and things on Earth.
Fought across spectrum, most notably in the institution of pre-renaissance Church.Augustine deriving original sin, city of Satan and God etc. from Plato. St. Thomas Acquinas' interpretation of Aristotle, transforming Western world through Renaissance. Among medieval Arabs also, signs of Platonic influence are there. Deriving formless Allah, plus strict prohibition of portrayal.(Remember cartoon of Mohammad controversy).

Platonic love is similar in essence. Always looking up to unreachable. Pushing people into the domain where the earthly stands as synonym for unworthy, miserable.

Lets see how it has played out in Indian Cinema.
For most part, the lack of Physical connection, attributed to Platonics, has been ambiguous at Best. Mainly due to the culture of restraint and policy of censorship. I don't think there was any conscious attempt to promote Platonism.
Not until this man arrived at the scene.

The movie was "Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge".
Setup of Love Story amidst practices of arranged Indian marriage.
But for me, Simran's poem on "Andekha Anjana Chehra" epitomized the ideology.
Somewhat more subtle variation came later. Farida Jalal reaching out to the daughter, telling her she has come to snatch away her happiness.Proclaiming rather boldly the inevitability of sacrifice Simran's Love demands.

The situation resonated brilliantly with the Indian psyche, where most girls spend their childhood and adolescence in dreams of Prince Charming. Only to end up with carefully chosen guy next door.

Impact of the movie was hard to sense. It planted Platonic version into the sub-conscious. Urging and pushing, only thing desirable can be unrealizable.

"Mohabattein" got more audacious.
Here was Raj Aryan, talking with deceased Ash. Deriving each little action, infact injecting her Ghost into his life stream.

No surprises then in "Rab ne Bana Di Jodi".
Lady is completely indifferent to her "this worldly" husband;Drowning instead in spunky fellow, and his savvy moves.
Even father Yash could not resist son's influence. For normally sensuality driven direction created Rahul and his Maya.(DTPH)

Extent of the influence is hard to measure.
On the personal sidenote, writer has been the victim.
Mirage chasing and falling for unrealizable. At times, the only qualification for the object of affection being that it is beyond achievement. Degrading most important choices to the realm of whimsical.
Have I gotten over it completely, I don't think so. But the self-discovery has been done, and the optimism persists that cleansing shall follow.


Now that I start deleting Platonism from my "Cupidity", there is a dilemma.
Does it mean that I erase concept of ideal itself, and confine myself to the status-quo?
Certainly I cannot do that. For the Hero, a vision of perfection, forms my Life Force.
Pushing us to greatness.
Therefore I hold back; further introspection is needed.

The mind-body integration still eludes me. When I reject Adi's Platonism, there is this danger of disposing ambition itself.
The LOVE has to be analyzed further. NOT by being blind, but with most perceptive of all visions. NOT through heart or any kind of intangible emotion.But with highest of conceptual faculties.(Though the emotions and feelings I get will serve as clues to the accuracy of direction I am going into.Still, the fact remains, emotions are secondary to volition and conceptions. And cannot be considered as fundamental).

So how is "Platonic Love" different from the "vision of perfection"?
Desire for Hero emulation comes from our values.The values are chosen by individual based on his Life's requirements.(To survive and excel).
So essentially Heroes are very much integrated into our life and actions.(That is if we don't actually betray them, as many do).
Therefore, if I keep my vision of perfection, I will aspire for a girl who actually makes me happy. For she will embody a being who is reflection of my deepest convictions.
Here I also need to consider the complete sensibilities and sum of that person, rather than few isolated attributes. I have to map each attribute of hers to the sensibilities she possesses. From trivial tasks like how she carries herself, her dressing sense, to the most complex choices one makes with regards to career, work ethics, hobbies, friends etc.

It is possible though, that the person in question has seemingly contradictory value system. But here we need to check hierarchy of values and the root cause of these "apparent contradictions".
For e.g, You may think that the lady is not sincere in her tasks, yet you feel irresistibly attracted to her. But on the other hand you hold sincerity dear.
Here comes context into the picture. Does conceit arise from actual dishonesty(conscious or sub-conscious in nature). Or is it because she thinks that sacrificing and slogging in a mediocer system is not sensible. And therefore, conceit is a way of protecting her integrity and sanity.
(Attraction to wrong person can also be due to your own hypocrisies).
Of course, errors in judgement are possible. But I think as long as I hold my sense of life and values as benchmark criteria, self-correction will lead me to my soul-mate.
Rejecting Platonism also gives opportunity to actually apply abstract principles into real life. So I can stylize my proposal, work out a course of relationship; And actually snap when it is found that there are irreconcilable differences in our value system.

Accepting Platonism instead will lead to evasions. Looking into one quality, ignoring other vices. Evading also how her character maps to mine. And most importantly, it shuts me to facts - Can I create reasonable circumstances for courtship? How shall I be appealing to her?(Without sacrificing my Egoism and values that attracted me to her in first place). Surely I do not want to be closed from the possibility of reciprocation. For after spending tireless efforts in wooing her, I do not want to be eluded from the happiness my effort deserves.

Rejecting Platonism will always keep me aware to the probability of positive outcome. I wont be ambiguous to earthly concerns anymore. And therefore my Love will be selfish in the true sense of word....
...As it ought to be!

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Good write up and something close to heart ..

I will try to share some of my understanding on this subject..
I ll take example of another movie ..'Jab We Met'
In that movie lead actor begin to appreciate the qualities of a girl who he knows is sort of out of bounds and if he likes her he has to walk the one way street..
But he sees in her what he is missing in his own life..the spontanity of action,chirpiness and a free- spirited heart and falls in love bcoz of that ..
But look what he does with the feeling ...he goes on into a self improvement regime and not only improves his own confidence but also resurrects his business and takes it to new pinnacles of success...
Now whatever he does he does it for self...(If we dont consider [and should not]..the fairy tale ending )..and whatever he do is in no way beneficial to female lead..
So in a way the positive vibes of love improves the lead actor..
Yes We dont have much control for whom we fall for ..but we can always control what we can do with the love feeling..

and i do have a doubt about this platonic love..what do we call platonic?
if we like someone and there is a chance we can share our life/time with that person but nothing is certain and we still want to this platonic
Like 'Jab We Met' we know that there is no possibility for any thing and still we nurse feelings for this platonic...

and about the question of loving only such a person who can not reciprocate the feeling ...
I want to quote Bhagvad Gita here ...Do your deeds without worrying about the results ...
The reason for so much of misery and agony related to love is due to our expectation tht we will get back as much as we give
Yes there is nothing wrong (infact if we dont expect anything at all then we would just give up not only love but a lot more in life) in expecting something
but then there are so many things in life which we might not achieve but still we strive to achieve them..
like striving for making our country safe,secure ,poverty free, free from hunger , and self improvement like building a good lifestyle, good health, a nice apartment, a nice big on...
we might not achieve all of it but if we dont try then we might b left with not much...
so what should we do ?
look for only that one who can reciprocate love or appreciate the one who has the qualities of the one and bask in her after glow??

I agree I hv written above some thing which is contradicting itself at places but then so is love...a complex emotion...