Friday, July 30, 2010


In his budget speeches more than 13 years back, Mr. Chidambaram identified the need for "deepening and widening" of reforms initiated in 1990 by Mr. P V Narsimha Rao govt and implemented by Dr. Manmohan singh. Judiciary, police and executive were identified as the core candidates.
Yet, more than decade down the line, we are still groping... why?

Have no illusions, Governance is the most complicated activity in the society. Politicians, at least the best of them, can at most identify societal problems and their "immediate" causes.(And Mr. Chidambaram ought to get credit for it). But to give more fundamental causes, and concrete, comprehensive solutions... we need rational, competent and visionary intellectuals.(John Locke from Enlightenment era is the only person that comes to mind).
However, what we see is the intellectual brigade leaning left in various forms. Socialism and communism earlier.... Environmentalism and Maoism are their staple diet now. So to bring back the focus to real issues therefore, cleansing humanities deptts in universities and colleges from the stranglehold of communist/socialist curriculum is the pre-condition to any genuine political reform.
....For those aspiring new intellectuals, genuinely interested in improving the quality of politics, and therefore society at large. Long neglected in country, humanities subjects are the place to begin.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Judgment and Public figures

In response to the following

The Angry Old Man vs Jackass Journalist

Well, leaving aside verbiage and trivia, what is the fundamental theme of the blog.
Media figures like Mr. Bachchan and Rajeev Masand ought to do what the public wants. Whether its Mr Bachchan's movie preferences or Masand's tweets.

If they consistently follow this approach, What shall become of these people. They will become like Robots in the hands of majority; or more specifically, those who claim to represent public opinion. Their own values and judgments therefore becomes irrelevant.

In a free country I am yet to encounter such consistent beings(SRK does it most of the times).... maybe somebody here can help??